Wise Lily Stories
![]() Umbrella in the Sun As I was walking down the street one sultry summer day My umbrella shaded me from the sunny rays. I held it straight above my head, a shadow it did make But then I stopped and looked awhile, and said "for heaven's sake!" ![]() I saw a white umbrella too, but it was upside down The top was flat, the bottom small and it was nice and round. I wondered why it stood right up and opened to the sky Instead of pointing to the ground, it stood so straight and high! ![]() And when I took a closer look I saw more and more Teeny tiny umbellets blooming by the score! I gazed at this pretty plant So delicate and white And then I heard a little voice So sweet and so polite... ![]() "My family of lady bugs we land here every day To take a rest and sit awhile after morning play. You hold your umbrella down to shade you from the sun But this umbrella opens wide, there's room for everyone! For butterflies and honeybees and praying mantis too For ladybugs and dragonflies with their wings of blue! ![]() "Other plants have umbels too, like celery and dill Coriander, parsley green, give us quite a thrill! And then there is the fennel plant that tastes like licorice sweet Yarrow flowers, elder too are quite the summer treat! We love the umbel family, the flowers and the weeds For resting and for feeding on the teeny tiny seeds!" ![]() I thought about the carrot wild and the seeds they made And how umbrellas can be used for rain or sun or shade! Thank you dearest lady bug, you tiny lady bird For teaching me about the plant, and the "umbel" word! written by Christine Summerfield © July 19, 2018