Wise Lily Stories
Good Thymes I have so many kinds of thyme in my garden green Some you may have met before and some you've never seen! And there's so many things to do with all the different thymes Here's a few to share with you in story and in rhyme... ![]() French thyme and English thyme, I like to plant in pots. They grow just by my kitchen door I cook with them a lot. And sometimes in my winter tea I like a little zing Lemon thyme and orange thyme are the perfect thing! ![]() Elfin thyme and woolly thyme like to creep and crawl In the cracks between the stones and along a wall. It's fun to walk on woolly thyme in my barren feet A lawn of thyme is fun to grow It really can't be beat! There are so many things to do with all the many thymes Fun to use and fun to grow and even fun to rhyme. But my favorite kind of thyme is one you cannot see Time for tea and teddy bears, friends and family! © written by Christine Summerfield/June 28, 2018
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Valerian I am called Valerian and when you open the gate You will see me standing there, tall and very straight. My stems are smooth and darkest green, elegant and true Inside them they are hollow, a little like bamboo. And they are fun to count you know, in groups of one, two three And on the top of every stem, a flower you will see! My blossom shape is kind of like an umbrella upside down Flat and wide upon the top and on the bottom round. All kinds of insects land on me! They stop and say "hello!" The dragonfly and ladybugs and beetles on the go. Sometimes there is quite a crowd on my blossom white But I do love to offer rest to winged ones in flight. My roots you can dig up you know, they are not so deep Put them in your tea at night, they will help you sleep. So when you close the garden gate, do remember me Valerian, maiden-white, strong and wise and free. written by Christine Summerfield /June 2016