Wise Lily Stories
![]() Periwinkle Peri-peri winkle Purple, blue and pinkle Your petals five Open wide Without a single wrinkle! ![]() Peri-peri winkle I really do thinkle That you are A shining star How you love to twinkle! © written by Christine Summerfield/May 13, 2020
![]() A mama bird with wings of blue And a golden heart with love so true Made a cosy nest so warm To keep her baby safe from harm And then one day in early spring She heard her baby sweetly sing! Welcome dearest little one From the stars and moon and sun May you discover the wonder and awe Of our beautiful world, little jackdaw. © written and felted by Christine Summerfield/May 9, 2020
![]() Prayer Flags Flags in the garden, each with a prayer Tied to a string with love and care. Flags in the garden hanging in the trees Gently sway in the spring time breeze. "I have flags too!" said a voice from below "Come over and see, but on tip-toe." I quietly walked to a shady place Where a big plant grew, then I saw her face. The winged one smiled and spoke to me As she hung her flags from her little tree. "This plant is called a Bleeding Heart In the early spring they are works of art. The pink and red hearts all hang all in a row And tinkle and laugh when the breezes blow. "Each little heart is like a prayer Filled with kindness, love and care. And when the wind blows, they gently sway And then the prayers can fly away! "Tenderly they fly like wings on a dove To people and places that needs some love." I smiled at her and she smiled at me And the love between our hearts we both could see. I tip toed back to my special tree Where my flags all hung in front of me. A little wind blew and I watched them sway And one by one, the prayers all flew away! To all kinds of people, big and small Where love is needed, the flags hear their call. Now a secret we all can share In the garden are all kinds of prayer. written and illustrated by Christine Summerfield © April 23, 2020 ![]() Coats of Blue Two little friends in coats of blue Went walking one rainy day There was no sun But they had fun Singing along the way! The raindrops fell Pell and mell You might say "my oh my!" But 'neath that umbrella you could tell That they were warm and dry. And then they stopped to take a look At birdies one and two Under an umbrella big With feathers bright and blue! ![]() I They too were singing in the rain Yet they were warm and dry Underneath a mushroom cap Big, and fat and wide! So when you walk out with a friend Who likes to sing with you You might just see another pair Wearing coats of blue. written and illustrated by Christine Summerfield/April 21, 2020
![]() Polka Dots Polka dots on my dress Pretty as can be Lots of little purple dots Dancing on me. ![]() I like pretty polka dots In the kitchen too Sprinkled on a cupcake Pink and green and blue. ![]() But my favorite polka dots Shine in the spring Dandelions in the grass Make me laugh and sing! All these pretty polka dots
They are all friends of mine On cupcakes, dresses and in the grass They sparkle, dance and shine! ©written and illustrated by Christine Summerfield/April 19, 2020 Tiny Purple Grapes On my morning walk one day I saw a funny thing Tiny clumps of purple grapes blooming in the spring! Usually they grow on vines and get picked in the fall But these tiny little grapes were standing straight and tall. And then I heard a gentle laugh coming from below He wore a funny purple hat and said "my name is Joe!" "You see, these are grape hyacinths growing in a clump Their flowers look like little grapes, they're fat, and round and plump! But these little purple grapes, these you cannot eat The honey bees they love them so, for them, they are a treat!" And then that fairy smiled at me and with his purple hat He bowed just like a gentleman, can you imagine that! And when he put his cap back on, he gave a little wink Then he was gone in a flash, before I could even blink! And now I smile to myself, because now I know How in the fall and in the spring, purple grapes can grow! © written and illustrated by Christine Summerfield/April 7, 2020
Foxes in the Grass ![]() A family of foxes hiding in the grass Showed off their rusty tails as I walked past. A family of foxes hiding on the hill Not a sound did they make, hiding oh so still. A tiny yellow bird landed on the biggest one Pecking, poking here and there and having lots of fun. As quickly as she landed, she gently flew away I wondered why the foxes let her poke them in this way. And then that tiny little bird whispered in my ear "Go and touch that furry tail, you do not need to fear." And so I tip toed in the grass to that family And touched the biggest rusty tail oh so carefully. It wasn't soft and fluffy, but really kind of dry "It's not a fox at all, but a big old weed!" I cried. ![]() I rubbed and rubbed that big old tail in my dirty hand And lots of tiny seeds fell like little grains of sand. "That, my friend is a curly dock" the happy birdie said "I like to eat their tiny seeds, so rich and scarlet red." And as the birdie flew away, I gave a little laugh How fun it is to think of foxes hiding in the grass! written by Christine Summerfield / © October 18, 2019
Brown and grey
Brown and grey What does the winter garden do all day? White and brown White and brown Nothing much to hear, it doesn't make a sound. Ho and hum Ho and hum Grey and brown makes me feel all glum. Then a voice said "ho!" "Look below! Take a little moment now and say 'hello!'" Beside my boot In his green suit He said "I am the one who tends the root!" "You might say It's brown and grey But just you wait til one spring day!" "Soon the roots Will send up shoots And you'll see flowers in the month of May!" Then the wee gnome Hid behind a stone And burrowed down below to his earthen home. Though brown and grey On this winter's day The garden really DID have a lot to say! written by Christine Summerfield / March 7, 2019 ![]() Jewel in the Crown A field full of weeds as the summer sun burns... The old ones recede and the new take their turns... Blossoming now on the warm summer stage Enters the King as we turn the page... Standing tall with scepter of thorns His purple flowers await to be born. Filling his crown with flowers bright Like amethyst jewels they shine in the light. ![]() With his prickles sharp, no one comes near Instilling respect and a wee bit of fear! But the winged ones know of his royal treasures They dig for his gold with fervor and pleasure! For his flowers are softer to the touch The bees and the butterflies like them so much! ![]() And when the jewels fade away from the crown They change to brittle, dry rusty brown But the gold finch knows of the treasures inside Quickly she lands and knows where they hide. She mines all day in a cloudy white puff Filling her beak with seeds from the fluff! ![]() After the seeds from the rusty old crown The last gift remains, the gift of the down. Silky and soft, the gentlest of all Will line the nests of the finches so small. A Wall of Happy Houses A wall of happy houses is just along the street Full of every color for the birds who like to sing tweet tweet! The colors make a rainbow of yellow, blue and green Orange bright and violet and pinks of shiny sheen! This neighborhood’s for winged ones, for finches red and blue Who play and fly and sing all day: “Tra Lee, Tra Lah, Tra Loo!” They never seem to argue or get into a fight They’re much too busy singing and playing in the light!