Wise Lily Stories
![]() Prayer Flags Flags in the garden, each with a prayer Tied to a string with love and care. Flags in the garden hanging in the trees Gently sway in the spring time breeze. "I have flags too!" said a voice from below "Come over and see, but on tip-toe." I quietly walked to a shady place Where a big plant grew, then I saw her face. The winged one smiled and spoke to me As she hung her flags from her little tree. "This plant is called a Bleeding Heart In the early spring they are works of art. The pink and red hearts all hang all in a row And tinkle and laugh when the breezes blow. "Each little heart is like a prayer Filled with kindness, love and care. And when the wind blows, they gently sway And then the prayers can fly away! "Tenderly they fly like wings on a dove To people and places that needs some love." I smiled at her and she smiled at me And the love between our hearts we both could see. I tip toed back to my special tree Where my flags all hung in front of me. A little wind blew and I watched them sway And one by one, the prayers all flew away! To all kinds of people, big and small Where love is needed, the flags hear their call. Now a secret we all can share In the garden are all kinds of prayer. written and illustrated by Christine Summerfield © April 23, 2020
Tiny Purple Grapes On my morning walk one day I saw a funny thing Tiny clumps of purple grapes blooming in the spring! Usually they grow on vines and get picked in the fall But these tiny little grapes were standing straight and tall. And then I heard a gentle laugh coming from below He wore a funny purple hat and said "my name is Joe!" "You see, these are grape hyacinths growing in a clump Their flowers look like little grapes, they're fat, and round and plump! But these little purple grapes, these you cannot eat The honey bees they love them so, for them, they are a treat!" And then that fairy smiled at me and with his purple hat He bowed just like a gentleman, can you imagine that! And when he put his cap back on, he gave a little wink Then he was gone in a flash, before I could even blink! And now I smile to myself, because now I know How in the fall and in the spring, purple grapes can grow! © written and illustrated by Christine Summerfield/April 7, 2020
![]() Winter Caps As I walked out one winter's day with my woolly cap I saw lots of snowy ones Can you imagine that! ![]() Annabelle's was big and round But one was pointy too! Warming her in winter time Fluffy white and new. ![]() The feeder where the birdies eat wore a snowy hat It looked a little like my own But did not have a strap! Francis too he wore a cap but it was rather small He is quiet like the snow and stands so straight and tall. But my favorite one of all was atop the spiky cone
Tall and pointy like the hat of a garden gnome! You never know the special things on a morning walk you'll find Caps and hats of snowy white of every shape and kind. written by Christine Summerfield/March 18, 2019 © Brown and grey
Brown and grey What does the winter garden do all day? White and brown White and brown Nothing much to hear, it doesn't make a sound. Ho and hum Ho and hum Grey and brown makes me feel all glum. Then a voice said "ho!" "Look below! Take a little moment now and say 'hello!'" Beside my boot In his green suit He said "I am the one who tends the root!" "You might say It's brown and grey But just you wait til one spring day!" "Soon the roots Will send up shoots And you'll see flowers in the month of May!" Then the wee gnome Hid behind a stone And burrowed down below to his earthen home. Though brown and grey On this winter's day The garden really DID have a lot to say! written by Christine Summerfield / March 7, 2019 |